© Hermann Nitsch GmbH, Foto_FEYERL

Nitsch Foundation, Vienna
The Nitsch Foundation was founded in 2009 with the goal of supporting and disseminating the important position of the artist Hermann Nitsch and his Gesamtkunstwerk. This objective is achieved above all by increasing awareness of the intellectual superstructure of his œuvre, by publishing books and editions, by organizing exhibitions and lecture series, fulfilling archival and documentary tasks and compiling a database of his works. 

Hermann Nitsch GmbH, Prinzendorf
The Hermann Nitsch GmbH, which is managed by Rita Nitsch, is located at Prinzendorf Castle, where Hermann Nitsch lived and worked.

Museo Archivio Laboratorio per le Arti Contemporanee Hermann Nitsch, Naples
The Museo Nitsch in Naples was founded in 2008 by Hermann Nitsch’s long-standing friend and collector Giuseppe Morra. It is located in a converted former power station that dates from the 
nineteenth century and is located in the center of Naples. It defines itself as a museum to transmit cultural stimuli that were born in performances and the performing arts and then matured in the body of thought of a more profound engagement with culture. The Museo Nitsch is not just a place where works by Hermann Nitsch are collected and exhibited but is also intended to be an active cultural player that sheds critical and theoretical light on one of Austria’s most important artists. Ever since the museum was founded, Giuseppe Morra has been ensuring that a group of scholars illuminate and document Nitsch’s work from a variety of perspectives and using a diversity of approaches.

Verein zur Förderung des  O. M. Theaters
The Association to Promote the O. M. Theater was founded in Germany in 1973. The celebration for its creation was held in Prinzendorf Castle. The association’s task is supporting performances of the Orgien Mysterien Theater, informing actors and other participants about the activities of Hermann Nitsch and financing Actions of the Orgien Mysterien Theater through member contributions.