Sa, 29. March 18:00

Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Mein Nitsch - kuratiert von Karlheinz Essl"

Opening of the exhibition ‘My Nitsch - curated by Karlheinz Essl’

Free Entrance

© Agnes Essl

The exhibition ‘My Nitsch’ is art collector Karlheinz Essl's personal view of Hermann Nitsch's life's work. From the mid-1980s, Agnes and Karlheinz Essl focussed much of their collecting activities on Hermann Nitsch and dedicated several exhibitions to him in the following years. A friendship developed between collector and artist, which led to joint journeys, a lively exchange and intensive correspondence, which often dealt with philosophical and theological questions. With ‘My Nitsch’, Karlheinz Essl now provides deep insights into Nitsch's world view. The ‘white picture’, a unique piece in Nitsch's entire oeuvre, will be on display for the first time. With numerous works from Nitsch's main creative period and his later years, the collector traces the artist's development towards a wealth of colour and addresses the artist's preoccupation with the big questions of where we come from, where we are going, what was before us and what will be after us.

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